Friday, November 6, 2009

Close to a first release

I have just successfully implemented the code for outputting second degree subject complements to the .ps file. This next week will be full for me and I dont see myself getting to work on the code or post here. However I am looking forward to getting the code thusfar up on my site. I am in the process of doing an over haul on my website to provide a section for Pointsware releases.

Here is a swatch of code that creates the second degree subject complement matrix point array.
query1att is a variable which holds the list of subject complements for each of the first degree subject complements. This then iterates with a nested loop if there are any subject complements found in the fia array for any of the first degree subject complements.
Please be aware that if you see a "##" it is in place of a double lessthan. The lessthans play havoc on the html tags

query1att.each do |x| #this takes the list of first degree attributes generated from qt1 and itterates through them

fia = fiaconstant #renew the list of fia entries

fpa = fpaconstant #renew the list of fpa entries

thisatt = #this makes a new array to hold the position info for the current attribute

thisatt##fpa.assoc(x) #this takes the current attribute (x) and searches for it in the position array returning the four part array [name, x, y, listposition]

thisatt = thisatt[0] #this changes this object from a compound array to an array

puts thisatt

sda = #this makes a new array to hold the posible list of attributes derived from searching the fia array with the current attribute

next if fia.assoc(x) == nil

sda##fia.assoc(x) #this does that search and retrieval

sda = sda[0] #this changes this object from a compound array to an array. important!!

puts "this is x", x

#next if sda[0] == nil #this goes to the next query1att array attribute if there is no entry in fia for the attribute

#next if sda == nil #this goes to the next query1att array attribute if there is no entry in fia for the attribute

sda.each do |att| #this each loop will take the list of possible attributes and itterate through them, this is a nested itterator within the above loop

puts "this is in the sub each loop the current att are", att, thisatt[0].to_s

fpa = fpaconstant #refresh the fpa array

sdaxy = #a new array to temporaraly hold the current 2nd degree attributes position info

sdaxy##fpa.assoc(att) #this puts that info into that array

sdaxy = sdaxy[0] #these next four statements make vars out of x and y position info from the two itterative arrays so that they can be put into the qt12degatt array for later use in outputting lineto statements in the postscript

next if sdaxy == nil

onex = thisatt[1]

oney = thisatt[2]

twox = sdaxy[1]

twoy = sdaxy[2]

puts onex.to_s, oney.to_s, twox.to_s, twoy.to_s

qt12degatt##[onex.to_s, oney.to_s, twox.to_s, twoy.to_s] #this is the array of xy positions being put into the main output array



Arrays in Ruby can hold arrays themselves, and this can be useful when you need to have a complex set of indexed data, each position in the super-array holds a sub-array. I have found using these nested arrays is a simple way of creating modular information sets that I can structure data within and in this case run some outputting code on to then write my moveto, lineto statements into the .ps file.

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